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Craft beer - Flower Session IPA 福爾摩沙精釀啤酒 春神來了-花香社交型印度淡愛爾啤酒 330ml - 4.5% Alc.

Craft beer - Flower Session IPA 福爾摩沙精釀啤酒 春神來了-花香社交型印度淡愛爾啤酒 330ml - 4.5% Alc.

Regular price €4,20 EUR
Regular price Sale price €4,20 EUR
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Formosa Brewing Beer - Flower Session IPA (in 33cl bottle - 4.5% Alc.)

The last one, a session IPA (which means a light IPA, low in alcohol, thirst-quenching, much less bitter than most other styles of IPA). For this recipe, we used European-style hops (i.e. hops that will have rather aromatic and floral notes and are less bitter) and we added Taiwanese jasmine essence (in small quantities, that is). remains pleasant and subtle!). It's the little pearl of spring, but can be drunk all year round

春神來了-花香社交型印度淡愛爾啤酒 - 玻璃瓶裝 330ml / 酒精濃度4.5%

春神來了! ! !


再加上清爽易飲的口感,讓人彷彿置身於滿庭芬芳微風輕拂的自在愜意!與好友一同暢飲吧! Cheers!

- 適用注意事項皆標示於包裝或產品中
- 實際以廠商出貨為主
- 本產品文案若有變動敬請參照實際商品為準
- 最佳品鮮期 Best consumed before: 01/2023

Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation.

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